Product Release Notes
2023 -07-18 3.0.4172
- Updated the S3 export copy to be more specific about where your file is going:

- Fixed an issue with our S3 integration that required a user to re-authenticate for each export/import request
- Fixed a bug in the hand label page that was causing the layout to shift when submitting the first label
2023- 05-25 3.0.3893
- Updated the SDK version to
. As always, check out the SDK docs here! - Added new button components to the Hand Label page and placed the candidate data inside a scrolling container:

- Fixed the NER expectation slider in the hinter list, which was displaying incorrectly
- Updated the CSS in the candidate table to avoid breaking text wrapping when displaying hats for enrichment attributes
2023-04-06 3.0.3723
- Updated the SDK version to
; this update enables dataset enrichment by column, which will speed up the process if you don't need every column enriched. - Added guides on installation and usage to our SDK documentation
- Cleaned up some text and the
Approve All
button in the hinter list
2023-03-30 3.0.3666
- Bumped the SDK version again! It's now on
and following URL redirects. - Admins now see the count of pending users for their team in the Hub:

- We removed the 'view all' link when a row does not, in fact, have any matching hinters to view:

2023-03-23 3.0.3623
- New SDK version! Now on
. Evergreen reminder that SDK docs can be found here. - Improved error messaging in the login drawer: errors appear inside the drawer instead of in the main body of the app for streamlined review:

- User's initial also now appears in the login icon in the bottom left of the app, so you know you're logged in
2023-03-16 3.0.3586
- New improvements to the Named Entity Recognition hand labeling experience: intentional entity creation and a local action menu for easy deletion:

- We've added user information into the login panel - no more questioning

2023-03-10 3.0.3562
- New SDK version (
) that makes installing Python dependencies much easier. As always, check out the SDK docs here! - Dataset import and export have been moved to the new Project Settings screen! Take a look at the updated documentation here.
- Fixed an NER bug in which overlapping spans caused the app to crash
- Released fix to vulnerability in diesel dependency
- Fixed a bug with s3 import and export
- Improved error messaging for s3 import/export
2023-02-28 3.0.3497
- Various cleanup behind the scenes, but most importantly...
- Watchful Community Edition is LIVE! What is it?
- A free version of Watchful that enables members of the community to explore and label unstructured text using our Full Text Classification features, released under a Community/Non-Commercial License
- A single app instance easily deployable via Docker image
- 5MB upload limit per dataset, but unlimited rows and projects
- Access to the Watchful SDK
- Interested in passing this along to someone who may want to try out Watchful? Register for a download link on our site!
2023-02-06 3.0.3393
- Fixed a hot key bug when relabeling FTC rows in the Hand Label page
- Fixed wrapping text in project headers
- Inferenceable columns function added to the SDK. Setting a column's inference configuration to
prevents it from being used for hinter suggestions or in query and hinter matches. Check out the SDK documentation for how to use the function.
2022-11-29 3.0.3041
- Class name error message fixed: Class names must start with an uppercase letter, only contain alphanumerical characters or '_', and not exceed 32 characters.
- Fix issue where suggestions in Co-Pilot would occasionally appear twice.
2022-11-11 3.0.2940
- Dataset enrichment is now live in the SDK! Now you can enrich your dataset with valuable attributes in a hosted Watchful instance. Refer to the enrichment readme for more information.
- Truncate columns in hand label history
- Land Standard and Admin users on the Query page when opening a project
- Rearrange charts so Confusion Index is at the top
2022-10-19 3.0.2816
- Fix crash in suggestion engine from looking up deleted hinter
- Fix performance issue with projects that have thousands of hand labels
- Fix UI component misalignment
2022-10-13 Watchful Python SDK
We've released our public Python SDK! Check it out here and make sure to read through the introduction here.
2022-10-04 3.0.2724
- Update the titles used in Co-Pilot
- Redirect User to Account Screen on Login/Register
- Redirect New Users to Login Screen - Hub
- Add pending user login screen message
- Fix
hot key error - Remove
page in Hub - Fix: land user in co-pilot when opening a project
2022-09-27 3.0.2633
- Fix export button
- Make the export button actually download a file
- Export the correct class type based on what the user's selected
- Introduced Notification Center
- The Notification Center will report Notification Events in the system. Examples of Notification Events include, but are not limited to: Hinter Reviews and Hand Label Disagreements
- Fixed hand labels made via the lightning icon taking 5-10s to appear
- Improved performance of start anchors in queries like
- Fixed collaboration push actions not disappearing from UI after pushing
- Fixed collaboration publish action conflicting with local project after publish
- Fixed hinters' empirical expectations disappearing
2022-08-02 3.0.4
- Align Application and Hub version numbers
2022-08-02 3.0.3
- Fix suggestion engine query generation utf-8 bug
- Fix crash when opening a project while another project is still loading
- Fix hub authorization bug
2022-08-02 3.0.2
- Fix role authorization flag issue
2022-08-02 3.0.1
- Fix Windows build
2022-08-02 3.0.0
- Introduces Guided Labeling for FTC powered by a new Suggestion Engine
- Introduces an experience for annotator users
- Exports now downloads the file via the browser, enabling dockerized deployments
- Adds recall, precision and error rate charts
- Fixed a bug in empirical hand label count feature in hinter list
- Adds native case query support, for querying upper/lower/title case.
- Adds anchors '^' and '$' to the query language, for querying start and end of contexts
screen renamed toTeam
inWatchful Hub
- Admin can now choose to
users before they have access toWatchful Hub
- Query performance improvements
- Improvements to project load times
2022-06-15 2.9.0
- Add back hotkey bindings for ftc-recall hand labelling (y/n)
- Remove "Project/" from projects page topnav
- Fixed a bug in a library function that could cause the suggestion engine to crash
- Sort classnames alphabetically in class selection
- NER tokenization change. Potentially breaking change, but only if you are using "TOKS:" in your hinters. The change is that mixed runs of letters and numbers ("abc123", "12gram") now break into separate tokens.
- NER sentencization change. "SENTS: " queries now include all tokens.
- Handles errors during project load gracefully, displaying the error in the UI.
- Add query cheat sheet
- Make NER hand label candidate monospace and larger font
- Make hinter create error messages more user friendly
- SpaCy enrichment includes sentiment analysis
2022-05-11 2.8.1
- Add field comparison query syntax (FieldA < FieldB, etc)
- Remove prefix sampled statistics computations
- Remove flicker from charts when applying actions
- Improve presentation and flexibility of logging infrastructure
2022-04-06 2.8.0
- All-new suggestion engine for NER classes (hinter and hand label suggestions)
- Improves project load time for projects with many hand labels
- Fix another NER plabel bug (wrong byte count in hinter stats)
- Move class selection and base rate setting to sidebar
- Remove approving empirical expectations from NER classes
- Fixes base64 encoding recursion error
- Collaboration fetch does not sync unwanted directories
- Updates label distribution tooltip to "Candidates X%", was "Candidates X"
- Attribute file parsing validates utf-8 alignment
- Renders hats and displays auto-correct beyond a single set of brackets
2022-02-16 2.7.1
- Fix issue where hand labeling used a lot of memory
- Decreases time it takes to switch between projects
- Fix issue where error message was shown when pulling changes
2022-02-03 2.7.0
- Fix bug where deleted classes would reappear
- Fix NER plabel bug (select wrong hinter IDs)
- Adds create_attribute_for_values() to to more easily use a known set of values in Watchful
- Update --streaming mode to use new query engine
- NER for everyone (removes separate NER build)
- Update hinter list expectation slider
- Fix NER export "include negative plabels" option
- Fix pagination to show hats after first page
- Only show tags and plabels that belong to previewed text
- Decreases timeout for hub url configuration
- Remove precision labeling from NER
- Attributes now merge rather than overwriting
- Fixes highlighting issue related to ROWS
- Fixes query highlighting edge case
- Fix NER handlabel issues
- Streaming mode now runs in parallel, using all available CPU cores.
- Default select all NER export options
- Sort classes by class-type in hand label dropdown
- Remove Base Rate field for NER
2022-01-05 2.6.4
- NER handlabel and chart support and export improvements
- Parallel Note this adds a module to the requirements file, so pip will need to be re-run to pull this in.
- Add confirmation modal to submit all empirical expectations
- Separate classes by type in class dropdown
- Add update page
- Add user drawer
- Add auth wall tooltip (behind feature flag) to share button
Updated over 1 year ago